Dutch shovels

A Dutch shovel is a kind of shovel with a curved handle that is mainly used in the Netherlands. There are many different types and sizes of Dutch shovels. Often the choice depends by region.


Our shovels are classified according to the size of the blade. This is denoted by a respective number of zeros. The smallest Dutch shovel (indicated by 000), is 255 x 210 mm, the middle size (indicated by 00) 265 x 220 mm and the largest (indicated by 0) 275 x 220 mm.

Position of the socket

Besides the size of the blade alse the position of the socket (the angle at which the handle is mounted in the shovel) is very important. The position of the socket determines for which job the shovel can be used. Is the handle almost straight in the socket then you can use the shovel for digging. Is the angle sharper, then the shovel is better for scooping.

Following positions* of the socket are possible:

  • 20 mm = right - digging
  • 35 mm = half digging - half scooping
  • 55 mm = scooping
  • 70 mm = very scooping

(* In order to determine this, the shovel is laid flat and the distance between the ground and the socket is measured)


A Dutch shovel has a slightly or strongly curved handle to make the job easier. The length of the handle varies between 95 cm and 110 cm. Usually we use the strong and flexible ash wood. Less used is beech wood. This is cheaper but also less durable. The strongest handles are made of fiberglass.

More information about the shovelhandles.


Node counts