
Only quality wood

For all shovels it is important that they have a good curved handle. The bending ensures that the shovel is in good balance and the needed force for shoveling is reduced.

At its thickest point, the diameter of the handle is 41 mm, upwards it narrows to about 30, at the top it is about 36 mm. At the bottom the handle should be sharpened so it fits perfectly into the shovel.

Ash wood is with its long nerves best suited for the manufacturing of shovel handles. They give the handle a good strength and flexibility. 

Beech wood is also used to manufacture nice shovel handles, but the wood is more subject to the effects of moisture. Beech is slightly cheaper then ash.

Ultra strong fiber

In addition to the classic wooden handles, Polet has also shovels with a fiberglass reinforced handle, up to 3 times stronger than wood.

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