Tubs and buckets

A simple object, a big difference

Buckets and mortar tubs are available in different materials and sizes so that everyone can find his liking. The preference in size or material will depend from job to job and from person to person. Polet offers you a selection especifically for use in the construction.

Gorilla Tubs® of Tubtrugs®

Polet is the exclusive distributor of TubTrugs ®, a brand of plastic tubs and buckets made ​​of 100% polyethylene. These are very flexible but also very sturdy. Especially for construction jobs, this brand developed the extra sturdy Gorilla Tubs ®, which could perfectly serve as mortar tubs.

Discover our tubs and buckets for use in the garden or watch the overview of our construction tools. Please contact us if you need more info.


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